
Parent Association Meeting

Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97348527752?pwd=ZkppZElkNHpIOE53Ky8yRHo1aGNpdz09

Meeting ID: 973 4852 7752 Passcode: G0Kraken!

Governing Council Meeting


Description:Join us:  Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/98912618760?pwd=SjVNNG1lVENJQVNoYW01MkdTb3FIZz09Meeting ID: 989 1261 8760Passcode: 851190    

Perspective: Juried VA Exhibition Juror Daisy Quezada

Master Calendar

PerspectiveThe Visual Arts Department annually hosts a visiting Guest Juror to curate an exhibition of NMSA Visual Arts student work in the creation of a juried exhibition “Perspective”. The guest juror shares with students about their selection criteria, their artwork, and also their involvement in the art world. Invited jurors include gallerists, curators, artists, and […]

Dance Curriculum Demonstration


Introduction to the department and a curriculum demonstration of all 4 ballet levels. This will include a short Q & A with the dancers at the end. To join the session click here: https://zoom.us/j/96620997305?pwd=R1pJajhQSFJ6V0lXN3YwTEFHajFoUT09

Welcome Wednesday Virtual Tour

Master Calendar

Welcome Wednesday Virtual School Tours:Join our Director of Admissions for a virtual tour of our campus as well as a Q & A session to follow. Please come prepared to share your student's name, grade level for the fall of 2021, and arts discipline of interest.  You may choose from one of five Welcome Wednesday Virtual […]

Parent Association Meeting


Meeting ID: 973 4852 7752Passcode: G0Kraken!

NMSA Virtual Open House

Master Calendar

Please join us for NMSA's Virtual Open House where you will learn everything you need to know about attending New Mexico School for the Arts. You will receive an overview of our academics and arts programming as will as the opportunity to break out into smaller meetings with our arts chairs for a Q & […]