
Open Mic Sparks Creativity and NEW Library Launches

The Year’s first Open Mic!
We kicked off the school year with a series of activities led by our CWL Town Council, including an all-grade Open Mic Raffle! We had 29 students put their names in the pot, and the energy was high as everyone cheered each other on. Throughout the week, students crafted their work in various workshops, culminating in an exciting Open Mic event on Friday.

Our Library is OPEN
The CWL Library, located in the Estelle Yates Media Center, is now open to the entire school. Students are already enjoying the space, exploring new titles, and even creating a list of top picks! If you have any books you’d like to donate, please bring them to Ms. Shorty in CWL.

Senior Thesis Work Begins
Our seniors are gearing up to tackle their Senior Thesis, which involves creating a 40-60 page manuscript that they will develop and revise throughout the year, culminating in their Senior Showcase in the spring. The seniors have begun brainstorming ideas for their manuscripts, which will include a diverse range of forms—novel excerpts, poetry collections, and even a graphic novel!